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Quoi de neuf

Février 22, 2007 - Carbohydrate Nutrition News

Les glucides simples et l'obésité : les faits, la fiction et l'avenir

Supplement to the International Journal of Obesity, December 2006; 30:S1-S783

These proceedings are a summary of an international workshop held on April 5-6, 2006 in Utrecht, The Netherlands. The papers presented in this journal supplement provide an interesting and authoritative perspective on a very complex and conflicting topic in nutritional science. The workshop was set up to discuss three major topic areas which included:

  1. the roles and mechanisms for the contribution of macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein and fat) on energy intake, body weight regulation and obesity;
  2. review of the evidence regarding the relative impact of sugars-sweetened beverages and solid foods on energy intake and the development of obesity; and
  3. the complex assessment of the potential role of glycemic index and low GI foods in body weight control and the prevention and management of obesity and other chronic diseases.

For each major topic in this supplement, speakers were invited to prepare a paper in advance of the workshop. These papers were sent to a first discussant to write a critical review. During the workshop, the speaker presented their paper, followed by a reply by the first discussant and a plenary discussion with all experts. After the workshop authors were able to update their papers based on the discussions.

Link to abstracts below.

Simple carbohydrates and obesity:
Fact, Fiction and Future

Guest Editors: W H M Saris and G D Foster
Workshop held at Karel V Hotel, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 5–6 April 2006
Volume 30, Issue S3 (December 2006)

Table of Contents

Simple carbohydrates and obesity: Fact, Fiction and Future
W H M Saris and G D Foster

Carbohydrates as macronutrients in relation to protein and fat for body weight control
A Astrup

Do favourable effects of increasing unsaturated fat intake on cardiovascular disease risk outweigh the potential adverse effect on body weight?
P L Zock

Dietary protein, metabolism, and body-weight regulation: dose-response effects
M S Westerterp-Plantenga, N Luscombe-Marsh, M P G M Lejeune, K Diepvens, A Nieuwenhuizen, M P K
J Engelen, N E P Deutz, D Azzout-Marniche, D Tome and K R Westerterp

Prevention and treatment of obesity and related complications: a role for protein?
E E Blaak

The possible role of sugar-sweetened beverages in obesity etiology: a review of the evidence
M Pereira

Assessing the evidence for sugar-sweetened beverages in the aetiology of obesity, a question of control
S French and P Morris

Low-glycaemic index diets and body weight regulation
J McMillan-Price and J Brand-Miller

Low glycemic index diets and body weight
B Sloth and A Astrup

Sugars-containing beverages and post-prandial satiety and food intake
G H Anderson

Beverages and positive energy balance: the menace is the medium
R D Mattes

Dietary glycaemic index from an epidemiological point of view
E J M Feskens and H Du

Physiological mechanisms and observed health impacts related to the glycaemic index: some observations
T M S Wolever