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Août 12, 2009 - Carbohydrate Nutrition News

L'étiquetage nutritionnel : une perspective mondiale

Wills JM, Schmidt DB, Pillo-Blocka F, Cairns G.
European Food Information Council, Brussels, Belgium.

Nutr Rev. 2009 May;67 Suppl 1:S102-6.


In many parts of the world, food companies, consumers, and governments are re-examining the provision of nutrition information on food labels. It is important that the nutrition information provided be appropriate and understandable to the consumer and that it impact food-choice behaviors. Potentially, food labeling represents a valuable tool to help consumers make informed decisions about their diet and lifestyle. Food information organizations worldwide have been following consumer trends in the use of this information as well as consumer attitudes about food, nutrition, and health. This paper summarizes a workshop that examined consumer attitudes gathered regionally with the aim of establishing commonalities and differences.

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